Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Hi Everyone!
Guess what. Don't know? I'll tell you. It's my birthday today!!
So far it's been great. In the morning as soon as I woke up, my parents had a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" banner up in the living room and my mom cooked me some delicious blueberry birthday pancakes. After eating breakfast, my mother went and got me the cards that she and my dad had worked on last night when I had gone to bed. They were beautiful, with stickers everywhere. (Yes, I do still happen to be into stickers ^^) Of course the words inside were so touching. I am keeping the cards forever!! After a few hours of reading and practicing piano, I went out to The Keg with my parents who treated me to a very special (and tasty) birthday lunch. Gosh, the steak was like a piece of heaven in your mouth. I loved it! So juicy... -drools-  It was the best lunch I've ever had. And, to make things even better, just because it was my birthday, I got a free dessert! YUM YUM
S'mores and Creme Brulees!! It was my first time ever trying a creme brulee, and boy was it good! I definitely love it, and if it is on the dessert menu at a different restaurant, I would definitely order it. It may be a bit sweet for others, but my sweet tooth was begging for it... I couldn't say no!
It's been a wonderful day so far!! No, I didn't have a birthday cake, but it was still a great, awesome day! I loved it so much!
Anyways, I hope all of you had a great day today like I did ^^
I'll be back soon~~

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