Monday, January 24, 2011

Piano Exam!

Okay, so maybe you might be a little bored with all this piano stuff. But it's really important to me, so you have no say in this (hee hee!).
I had the piano festival/competition in, what was it, November? Yes. November. But the thing is, that piano festival/competition was just to help me prepare for the exam. Which is this Wednesday. Yes. The day after tomorrow. I have been practicing 5 songs for 1 whole year. Nothing but those 5 songs. Sounds kinda' boring, doesn't it? I thought so too. But I had no choice but to practice, and practice, and practice. And practice. etc. And so it all comes down to this. All that practicing and practicing and practicing. All that practicing so I can be officially prepared for the piano exam.
Oh gosh, I'm making myself nervous.
But anyway, I started this post, so I'll just keep talking. (writing, typing, whatever.) So not only do I have to do the pieces (perfectly) I have to do the scales (perfectly).
And plus, exams cost money, and money doesn't grow on trees. So therefore, if I fail the exam (which is 60% and lower) all that $106.30 *plus tax will go TO WASTE. *echos on the WASTE*
But no pressure, right? Heh heh...
Oh, and sorry I didn't post for a few weeks... I was... umm... uh...busy.
Have a good rest of the week!

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