Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Piano Exam

Hi everyone! Okay, so I had a piano exam today, as I told you about a few days ago. My exam was at 11:20, so I had to leave school a little early. I was nervous all morning, and I kept willing the clock to go a little bit slower. But of course, there was my mom, standing in front of the classroom, ready to take me to my exam. I felt like slinking away so she couldn't see me. Then all my classmates started to say, "Sherryn your mom's outside!" and I was thinking to myself, oh gosh darn it, you guys are blowing my cover! Of course then I realized I had no cover. So I started to put things away as everyone kept telling me that my mom was outside. Then Ms. McCleary, our teacher, told the whole class to wish me good luck for my exam. That really touched me. As I got up to leave, the whole room was filled with encouraging words. "Knock 'em dead, Sherryn!" "Show 'em what you got!!" "Go get 'em!" "Good luck!" I really appreciated it.
I thought about all my classmates cheering for me as I took my exam. Whenever I was nervous, I would think of them. BUT, I hope there will never be another time when I would be so nervous that I need 27 people to create a pep rally for me. Not that I didn't appreciate it or anything. I really liked having that many people care about me. I've never had that many people encourage me at once.
So you're probably wondering how the exam went, right? Well, it went... great. I didn't make a single mistake on any of my pieces. Before I played a piece I would look down at the keys and blank out. Then I would hit what I think is the right note, and the rest of the piece would just fall in place. I wish I could see the results right now, but I have to check them online a week later when they're posted. So I will blog about my results!
Thank you for sticking around, readers!
Happy Wednesday (or what's left of it, anyway...)!

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