Wednesday, December 15, 2010


SNOW!! Please fall... Why in everywhere else there is so much snow that there are EMERGENCY WARNINGS, but in Vancouver, there is rain? (stamps foot on ground) I'm so desperate for snow, I wish we had emergency warnings...
I don't understand why so many adults hate the snow! Well, yes, I do. The roads are dangerous, you have to shovel the driveway, and on and on and on. but in the childrens' perspective, it's a little something like this: SNOW DAY! Yay, no school! And Yay, snowmen and snowball fights and snow forts and sledding and all that!
So since I'm still considered a child, I WANT SNOW. SNOW SNOW SNOW!
This is a pretty short post.. shorter than I thought it would be... but oh well, I'll make a longer one next time!
Stay tuned for more exciting (not necessarily guarunteed) stories of my everyday life!

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