It was then when I had a full fledged panic attack. I started repeating over and over, "Oh, what do I do, what do I do..." I was cold all over and started biting my nails. This was a big deal for me because I have never, ever bitten my nails. Not once in my entire life.
Now I understand that some of you may think that I'm a nervous wreck, for panicking over something that some others may not even give a second thought to. But as you know from my previous posts, I recently visited the San Diego Zoo and also Venice Beach, and I also took many memorable photos.
This is solely the reason why I was in such distress. I had taken so many photos that had been so valuable to me, so many photos that I took so much time to take...
Even now as I write about this, I am still quite melancholy as I think about all the photos that were gone...
Anyways, one of the major points of my post was to say how important it was to get over things quickly, and not spend long, long minutes of your life thinking of what has already been lost. I realized from this small occurence, I learned a big lesson in life... hopefully there are a lot of these moments in your life where you realize lots of important things!
I hope you have a great rest of the week!