Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Have News...

Alrighty everybody. Hold your breath. I have news.
It's actually really big news.
I... I... I'm moving again. But no, not just to a different home. To an entirely different COUNTRY!
Yes, I will officially be moving from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, to L.A., California, U.S.A. We will be driving to L.A., seeing all the sights on the way. We will be saying goodbye to Vancouver for the last time on November 4. I am, actually pretty excited, but then there's that pang you feel, the one you feel whenever you move away from someplace you've been for a long time. In my case, I've grown up in Vancouver and spent my entire school life here. I have made all of my friends in Vancouver and they all remain in Vancouver. I wonder what I'm going to do without them when I get to L.A. But truthfully, I am completely O.K. with our move. Yes, I will miss Vancouver; and Canada. Yes, I will be pretty downcast to have to leave my friends. Yes, I am quite worried that I might not be able to adjust to a whole new country as well as new friends and a new school. But I am still excited to go. I always think of it as an adventure, and there are a lot of bright sides to going, actually. I will get to see what it's like to move from class to class and have lockers! I will be able to bask in the sun more often. I can visit Hollywood Blvd. as much as I want~! I can get more of Pinkberry, my favourite frozen yogurt stand. DISNEYLAND + UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!
As you can see, if you think about it, you can find the bright side in everything, although you may find a few bumps in the road!! (Remind me to tell myself that when I actually do come across 'a bump in the road.') I am especially excited for our trip there, when I think of all the sights that we'll see! But now that I have given myself a pep talk, here's what I'm worried about:
1. I will be going to a new school with a totally different curriculum than Canada.
2. New school means new friends. New friends are not always so easy to make.
3. The curriculum in the U.S. is harder than the curriculum in Canada.
4. How does the national anthem go again...?
5. What American history?
6. I will definitely miss going to the lush green mountains of B.C.
7. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually will miss the downpours that we get.

Those were a few of the many things that I am worried about when we get to L.A.
But as of right now, I'm happy that we're going. Part of the reason is because my parents promised that all three of us would get an iPhone 5. (Yes, it just came out a few days ago)
Anyways, I will tell you all about the trip there in November and how everything is going. But as of right now, I have to study up on Algebra 1, the national anthem, and American History.
Please wish me luck on our move!!

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