Saturday, December 10, 2011

Greetings from LA

So here I am, finally in Los Angeles, California.
Now it has come to my attention that I haven't been blogging for quite some time now, however, I must say, I've underestimated how hectic moving to a whole new country can be.
The first week or so of being here was absolute chaos. We were unpacking, buying furniture, buying food, and applying for countless things.
I have finally found the time to sit myself down and blog about the new chapter of my life that begins in L.A.
So far, I'm loving it here. I must admit, I miss Vancouver terribly, and all my friends I've left there, but it is quite enjoyable here. Living in LA has it's advantages. For one, the weather is absolutely magnificent. Although the some might find the sun beating down on you annoying, I love it. I bask in the sun all the time. We get the heat here in December that we never got in Vancouver in the summertime.
However, I do miss the cleanliness and nature centeredness of Vancouver. Here, it's completely different. The highways are tangled and confusing like a spider's webs, unlike Vancouver. There are cars everywhere, no matter where you go. There is also lots of litter and graffiti everywhere, disappointingly. I never realized how wonderful Vancouver was until now.
I've begun to go to my new school, David Starr Jordan Middle School. It was a huge change for me to go through, since we didn't have middle school in Vancouver. (For those who are confused, the grades go like this: Grades 1~7 Elementary school, and Grades 8~12 Highschool.)
There was no such thing as middle school, so I did have quite a lot of adjusting to do.
I was quite intimidated being faced with the fact that I had to move on to middle school.
However, despite all my fears, everybody at the school gave me a warm welcome and was happy with "the new girl." I was so relieved that I was accepted into the school environment.
And I was also happy with all my classes. It was so much more different than Vancouver, but it was a good different.
Anyways, I just thought that it was time I let you know that I made it to L.A. and am surviving the hectic chain of events that life is throwing at me.
I hope that my viewers will forgive me for not posting for so long, but I also hope that they will be understanding about my situation right now!
Thank you once again for tuning in to Sitting By The Ocean - from L.A.!!
Los Angeles, California, USA                       Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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