Hello everybody! I have come back with exciting news! My writing has been posted on a website called News4Youth! (If you think I'm lying, type News4youth on google, click the first thing that comes up, then click "what in the world", then click 'view submissions.' Scroll down and you'll see my writing.)
I don't think I've ever been posted on the website, so this is a pretty big deal for me. The question was: "What advice would you give smokers to stop smoking?" Okay it wasn't really worded like that, but it was something like that. So you pretty much have to answer the question in your best possible writing. Then someone judges whether your writing is good enough to post on the site. You are free to congratulate me now that I am done my post.
Have a nice evening~!
(be sure to check out my writing anyway, even if you do believe me. ^^)
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