Monday, September 20, 2010

Grade 6 already?

    Yes, that's right, I'm in grade 6 now. When I was little, the grade 6s always looked so big and cool to me. Now, I am in grade 6. It almost surprises me how fast time has gone by...
    It felt as if the grade 6 and 7s always got to do stuff that us grade 3s couldn't do, and had much more exciting lives. Now, I get to experience a grade 6's life. So far, it's been as great as I expected it to be all those years ago!! I have a great teacher (shout out to you, Ms. McCleary!), a good amount of homework, and a perfect classroom.
    I apologize to all my faithful readers (if I still have any readers, that is)for not being able to blog that much during the summer, but I have an excuse. I was having too much fun!! A lot of exciting events happened during the summer, but it's too bad that I didn't get to blog about it...
    Today, I found out that my teacher is going to be reading my blog, so I must do my best to impress!!
    What I love about my blog is that you get to do this fun kind of writing, not always the serious kind that you have to do at school. You can always joke around in your writing, have fun, and also know that your teacher won't tell you not to do this, and not to do that. (haha.)  And I think it's better than a journal or a diary, because everyone that wants to look at it gets to look at it and comment on it.
    Well, from now on, I promise that I will start blogging again, at least once a week. I hope a lot of people will start to read my blog!!

        Stay tuned for more stories of my exciting everyday life as a 6th grader!

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